Friday, July 5, 2013

Three Months Old!

Time is a-flying - Kate is three months old! 

She did not have an official three month appointment, but I did have to bring her in a day before her three-month-"birthday" to get one of her immunizations. Two observations from that:
  1. Kate's weight was 14 lbs - up from 8 lbs, 12 oz at birth and up from 12 lbs, 1 oz at her two month appointment. WHOA. Clearly, she's thriving! 
  2. I have NEVER - and doubt I will ever again - seen a kid take her immunization the way Kate did that day. Or maybe the nurse was just amazing, because Kate whimpered, but that was it. I guess when you have an operation at six weeks old, one itty bitty shot at three months old is nothing! 
Here are her monthly onesie pictures!

Bear in chair, with a sly semi-grin. :)

This one offers a little better showcase of her chunky legs. :D
Here she is the morning of July 3. It's as if she felt very sure of herself with all of the wisdom she's accrued in the past three months!
Without question, my favorite of her milestones during her third month was getting to see this bright, beautiful SMILE! Not even patch time can dim her spirits... or at least as far as you can tell by the look of this picture. ; ) Truth be told, wearing her patch isn't her favorite, but based on her follow up appointment with the ophthalmologist on the 1st, it's helping her left eye heal nicely and develop properly. Hooray! 

(True story: Mom texted me the above picture while she kept Kate as I attended a workshop in downtown Dallas. I love this picture... even though it took about everything I had not to get back on the TRE and head home to snuggle with this little bunny! Oh my goodness did it melt my heart!)

I couldn't feel more blessed to be this little angel's mommy!

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