Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy times...

I have not been a very good blogger for a while, but I have a decent reason: we are in the throes of getting this house ready to sell! In the past 15 days, we have had foundation work done (which required ripping up carpet in two rooms. Yuck.), carpets cleaned, painting touch ups done, and have made innumerable trips to our storage unit to get this place ready to "stage." Along the way we've suffered from pains great (Jeremy's back is not in great shape unfortunately) and small, but we hope to have a "For Sale" sign in the yard by Saturday. Please say a prayer for us as we start this whole selling/buying journey! It will be eventful to say the least...

Anyway, I promise I'll get some Luke pictures up soon. He is thisclose to crawling - he can get on all fours and rock back and forth. It's just a matter of time.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

We're getting into the Easter spirit... which means dressing Luke like a giant bunny! More pictures to come, plus video... I need Jeremy's help with that part. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday weekend! : )

Saturday, April 4, 2009

7 Months Old!

Here is our 7 month old... wow! We got to see Megan (my sister) and Parker (my nephew) these past few days, which was wonderful! Parker (16) is holding Luke, who, as you can see, still keeps his "deer in headlights" stare at picture time. Hopefully we have better luck with professionals.

I realized that I never posted Luke's lenght-weight stats from his last doctor's visit (3/13/09 - at 6 months and 1 week old). I'm sure you'll find them amusing...
  • Length - 28.75 inches long (above 95th percentile; up from 21.5 at birth!)

  • Weight - 17 lbs 5 oz (between 25th and 50th percentile; up from 9 lbs at birth)

  • Head - 17.75 inches around (75th percentile; I can't find what it was at birth)

No surprises - still long and skinny. Case in point: he's wearing 9 months, and I suspect we'll be moving to 12 months soon because of his length. They're roomy in the middle, though.

Alright - little man is fussing at me, so I'd better go. I'll do my best to post more soon! Have a great weekend!