Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

We spent New Year's Eve at home. After the kids went to bed, Jeremy made a delicious steak dinner, and we drank some wine and went through what I have named our Jar of Blessings. 

Photo from Pinterest

The caption on the picture explains it. Throughout the year, when great things big and small happen, write a note on a sheet of scratch paper. Then, on December 31, you can read through them and reminisce on the year that was. 

Here are our notes from 2014. We read, we laughed, we cried happy tears, and we remembered many blessings that we had forgotten in the course of the busy year. 

We have had a rough December and were feeling pretty sulky about 2014. I'm so glad we made note of our blessings - they were abundant! 

May our team and yours enjoy a blessed 2015! 

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